The sale transaction is accomplished at the production location.
Our business is the production of handmade ceramics. The use of manual labor will never guarantee the perfection of industrial production. Laura Silvagni can not consider as faults the imperfections that may arise from a regular and careful manual process.
In case of unforeseen events that make it impossible to execute the order, the company reserves the right to cancel it, subject to refund of the amount paid.
If a product is damaged you can exercise your right of withdrawal according to the Italian Legislative Decree 185/99. For more information see our Return Policy.
The online purchase in this site is governed by the Italian Legislative Decree 185/99, which protects the distance contractors.
According to this decree, the buyer of one or more products from the site www.ceramicafaenza.it may exercise the right to withdraw without penalty and without giving any reason, within 10 working days from receipt of goods.
Likewise, if you receive a damaged product you can return it as described here below.
The right of withdrawal is exercised by sending, within the prescribed period, a written notice – by registered letter with advice of receipt- to the following address:
Cer. Art. Silvagni Laura – La Vecchia Faenza
Via S.Ippolito 23/A
48018 Faenza (RA)
The notice may alsobe sent, within the same period, by telegram, telex, facsimile, but must be confirmed by registered letter with advice of receipt within 48 hours.
If the product has already been delivered, you are required to return it within 10 days from receipt of the product itself. After Cer. Art Silvagni Laura – La Vecchia Faenza has received your return, you will be contacted via email and refunded the entire amount, except for the costs of packing and shipping to return the product. This will be handled in the shortest possible time and in any case within thirty days from receipt of notice of withdrawal.
To receive a refund you must let us know by email or fax your bank details and we will refund by bank transfer.
The parcel to be returned, properly packaged, together with a copy of the delivery note will have to be sent to the following address:
Cer. Art. Silvagni Laura – La Vecchia Faenza
Via S.Ippolito 23/A
48018 Faenza (RA)
For any questions you can call us:
Cer. Art Silvagni Laura – La Vecchia Faenza
tel. +39 0546 26907 or +39 0546 26357 – fax +39 0546 26907
The ownership of the Domain Name or Sub Domain www.ceramicafaenza.it is subject of exclusive rights of Laura Silvagni.
Laura Silvagni
Via S.Ippolito 23/A – 48018 Faenza (RA) – Italy
Mail: info@lavecchiafaenza.it
Silvagni Laura is the owner of the written and visual content (images, drawings, texts) of the site www.ceramicafaenza.it
The texts, images, information and other content published on this site, and links to other sites on the web are for information only and should in no way be considered official.
Silvagni Laura assumes no responsibility for any mistake or omissions of any kind, and for any type of direct, indirect or incidental damage arising from reading or using the content or materials on the site or from the access granted to other sites.
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